The workplace can impact our health – either positively or negatively.  Supports in the workplace that encourage employees to practice healthy lifestyle behaviours can result in healthier, happier, and more productive employees. Eight small Chatham-Kent businesses (100 or less employees) are being offered $250.00 seed funding, to assist employers in providing supports to create a healthy work environment. This opportunity … Read More


The workplace can impact our health – either positively or negatively.  Supports in the workplace that encourage employees to practice healthy lifestyle behaviours can result in healthier, happier, and more productive employees. Eight small Chatham-Kent businesses (100 or less employees) are being offered $250.00 seed funding, to assist employers in providing supports to create a healthy work environment. This opportunity … Read More

Do you know what the air quality is like at your local arena?

Did you realize, there are 10 arenas in Chatham – Kent?  We inspected them this fall. These inspections were to determine the levels of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3) before, during and after ice resurfacing operations. As a result of that inspection, Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3) were not detected in any of the arenas, and those … Read More

Unpasteurized Fruit Juices and Cider

Did you know?  A small percentage of fruit juices and apple cider may be unpasteurized. This means it has not been treated to eliminate contaminants such as: E coli Salmonella various other organisms This could make you or your family very ill and could even lead to death. Children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most at risk. You could find unpasteurized … Read More

Need your well water tested?

If you want to be sure your well water is safe for you and your family you need to take the first step.  Test your water!  Pick up a water bottle, free of charge, from the CKPHU or your local municipal service centre. Keep the bottle closed until the moment you fill it. Take the sample on the day you are planning … Read More

Healthy Brain Development for Babies

How to Build a Healthy Brain?  How can you help your three-year old cope with emotions? What foods can help to build a healthy brain? What is play-based learning? How do you build attachment? What does attachment have to do with brain development? You can get answers to these questions at This website is designed for future parents and for parents … Read More

Cigarettes, Minors and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

The SFOA Often, it is thought that the SFOA targets smokers.  This is not the case.  What the SFOA does target is smoking in certain places and situations, as well as the improper display, promotion or sale of tobacco products among other things. It may surprise you to learn that of the nearly 50 fines that can be levied in … Read More

Open house in Wallaceburg today!

Today at the Chatham-Kent Community Health Centre (Wallaceburg site) we are having our Open House from 4-6 pm. Please stop in and see us at 808 Dufferin Avenue in Wallaceburg (the old Giant Tiger). Come and explore all the services that the CK-CHC has to offer! Snacks and refreshment will be served!

Happy World Breastfeeding Week – October 1 – 7

This year’s theme: Breastmilk: Every Ounce Counts Did you know? Breastmilk has all the nutrition a baby needs for the first 6 months of life and it is the most important food in a baby’s first year. Breastmilk provides important antibodies until a child’s immune system is mature enough to make all his own antibodies, up to 4 years! Research … Read More

Using technology during an emergency

We rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues. But what happens in the event of a major emergency? Suddenly these tools can become vital in helping you and your family get in touch and stay informed. So here are some tips on the use of technology in an emergency: Use non-voice … Read More


Almost 90 % of Lung Cancer deaths are caused by smoking.  Radon exposure is linked to approximately 10% of Lung Cancers in Canada and is the second leading cause of Lung Cancer in smokers. Radon is a gas that is produced naturally by the breakdown of Uranium in the ground and gets in your home undetected.  You can’t see it, … Read More

Lake Erie Fish

An investigation by the Ministry of the Environment points to the cause of the widespread Lake Erie fish kill to be a natural occurrence. The testing has revealed no pollution or spill. It appears there was an up-welling of organic debris and unoxygenated water from the bottom of the lake into the surface layer, creating a sewage-like smell and killing the … Read More