Emergency Preparedness & Persons with Special Needs

Picture of woman in wheelchair with service dog

  In the event of an emergency, everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for at least 72 hours.  Having an emergency kit and an emergency plan are the best ways to prepare yourself for an emergency.  If you or a family member have a disability or special need, you also need to consider what … Read More

Summer Weather… Gone Bad

Picture of lightning

The arrival of hot summer weather brings the risk of severe storms to our area.  Thunderstorms and lightning may quickly develop into damaging weather such as hail, heavy rain, high winds and tornadoes.  This may lead to power outages and flooding.  Do you and your family have everything you need to cope with these potential emergencies?  Take a few simple … Read More

Is Your Family Prepared?

Severe storms, spring flooding, power outages, road closures. It’s an emergency! You’re at work, your kids are at school and your elderly parents live across town. The cell towers are down and phones don’t work, you can’t get home. What will you do? Developing a family emergency plan and discussing emergency situations ahead of time will help you and your … Read More

Do your kids know what to do in an emergency?

When an emergency occurs it can be very stressful on everyone, especially when children are involved.  Here are a few things you can do when preparing your family for emergencies and after emergencies happen to help make it easier on you and your children. – Talk with your children about emergencies that occur in your community and how to prepare … Read More

Do you have what it takes?

Picture of emergency checklist

  Snow storms, spring flooding, tornadoes, power outages. Do you have what it takes to get through an emergency? Every household should have the following items in a basic emergency kit… Water – 2L per person per day Food – that won’t spoil, such as canned food, energy bars, dried foods Manual can opener Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight (and extra … Read More

Flooding… Are You Prepared?

Illustration of car driving through flooded street

  Flooding is typically cause by melting snow or heavy rains. With recent changes in weather, flooding in Chatham-Kent is a real possibility. To reduce the likelihood of flood damage or if a flood is forecast… If you are indoors: Do not store your important documents in the basement Move essential items (and household chemicals) to an upper floor Disconnect … Read More

Winter is Fast Approaching: Are You Prepared?

Picture of snow covered road

Winter can mean bitter cold and storms that bring high winds, icy rain or heavy snowfall.  Are you prepared for whatever the season will bring?  Do you have an emergency plan for you and your family? It only takes about 20 minutes to make a family emergency plan online. Before starting, think about: Identifying meeting places to reunite with family … Read More

Are You Prepared for Winter Driving?

Slippery roads. Reduced visibility. Bitter cold. Winter weather will soon be here making driving difficult and even dangerous.  Are you prepared?  Do you have winter safety and emergency equipment in your car? A basic kit should contain: Food that won’t spoil, such as energy bars Water-plastic bottles that won’t break if the water freezes Extra clothing and shoes or boots … Read More

Using Technology during an Emergency

Picture of a man on cell phone

  We rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues. But what happens in the event of a major emergency? Suddenly these tools can become vital in helping us get in touch and stay informed. So here are some tips on using technology in an emergency: Use non-voice channels like text messaging, … Read More

Emergency Preparedness on a Budget – Get Started Today!

Picture of Emergency Checklist

Preparing for emergencies at the personal and family level can help to reduce negative impacts on you and your family in the event of an emergency.  Sometimes it can be hard to spend money preparing for emergencies that have not happened, when there are so many other things we could be spending it on. There are many things you can … Read More

Snow and More Snow! Be Careful Shovelling!

Picture of man shovelling snow

Before you get you shovel out, make sure you are prepared! Safe snow shovelling requires proper preparation, the right tools, good technique and knowledge. You should keep in mind that, while shovelling snow may be a good workout, it involves strenuous effort. Check out the Toronto Paramedic Services Website  for great tips for safe shoveling!