Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day

Every year on September 9th, people all around the world participate in events to observe Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Participants hope to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the lifetime demands of raising a child with FASD. The ninth day of the ninth month was chosen to help people remember that during the nine … Read More

E-cigarettes, nicotine cartridges and the law

According to Health Canada and the Food and Drugs Act (the FDA), e-cigarettes that contain nicotine require approval by Health Canada. Nicotine is a drug.  Products that contain nicotine cannot be sold without approval under the FDA.  The delivery system in e-cigarettes is considered a medical device and is subject to the Medical Devices Regulations under the FDA. To date, … Read More

Smoke-Free Workplaces

All workplaces are Smoke-free. It’s the law. There are often a lot of questions about smoking and workplaces.  Let’s review the most frequently asked questions. What about Entrances or Doorways? There is no smoking within 9 meters (or 30 feet) of any door at: hospitals retirement residences all Municipal buildings in Chatham-Kent What about Schools? There is no smoking on … Read More

Sun Safety

SUN SAFETY Taking measures to protect yourself and your family from the sun will help to prevent the long term consequences of too much sun, such as skin cancer, and also the short-term effects, such as sunburn. CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK to find important sun protection information for people of all ages as well as some helpful tip sheets. http://www.dermatology.ca/programs-resources/resources/sun-safety/ … Read More

The Ontario Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds)

The Ontario Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds) Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer. The 3 types of UVR are UVA, UVB and UVC. The main source of UVR in the environment is the sun. Most cases of melanoma skin cancer are caused by intermittent exposure and exposure early in life to the … Read More

Parents Are Important Too!

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences life can offer but also be the most challenging. Life can quickly become very demanding as you try to meet the needs of work, parenting, and homework….. as the list continues on. Quickly you can start to feel tired, drained and even “stressed out”. Parents remind yourself that you are … Read More

Did you know children’s car seats have an expiry date?

Have you checked the expiry date on your child’s car seat? And why is there an expiry date on car seats? Manufacturers give an expiry or useful life date because over time: frequent use and exposure to sunlight can damage and weaken plastic safe-use labels on the products fade or become hard to read instruction manuals have likely been lost … Read More

Are My Kids Eating Okay?

Child Eating

What should I feed my kids for breakfast? What are some good snack foods for my kids? How do I get my kids to eat healthy foods? How much food should my child be eating? My child doesn’t eat very much, should I be worried? Are meal times supposed to be a struggle? My child has allergies, what do I do? Feeding young children can … Read More

Your Crying Baby

Did you ever think your baby would cry this much? Maybe it feels like your baby cries more often than others but remember: Around 2 weeks old babies start to cry more often each week Babies usually cry more during their 2nd month than any other time Crying begins to decrease after two months of age This is known as … Read More

Toy Safety

The holiday season has begun and soon parents and caregivers will be busy putting all the toys together. Play is very important for your child’s growth and development along with being such a great way to continue strengthening your special bond with them. Below you will find helpful tips provided by Health Canada to keep your child safe while playing … Read More