Responsible Consumption and Production

Picture of baby on mothers chest

Being environmentally friendly is something that is highly encouraged in our country and the world. We think more about how our actions, consumption and attitudes can affect our environment more now than ever before. We recycle, we read labels, we care about our wildlife and forests. We are choosing non-disposable products, we try to conserve energy and are making conscious … Read More

Peace and Justice

Picture of woman breastfeeding

As a breastfeeding mother, you have the legal right to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, whether you choose to cover up or not! According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, all women are legally protected from discrimination and harassment because of sex, and that extends into pregnancy and breastfeeding. So, if anyone asks you to “cover up” or move to a more … Read More

Is There a Baby in Your Future?

Question Marks on chalkboard

Your health (men and women) during the years you are able to have a baby is called preconception health. Whether or not you plan to have a baby one day, preconception health is about taking charge of your health, choosing healthy habits and feeling good about your life. If you aren’t planning a pregnancy, keep in mind that no one expects … Read More

What is Listeriosis? – Food Recall

Picture of salad greens

Listeriosis is a serious illness usually caused by eating food contaminated with bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria bacteria is found in food, soil, plants, sewage and other places in nature. Animals and humans can carry Listeria in their intestines without knowing it. Listeriosis symptoms may start suddenly and include vomiting, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, headache, and fever. In more serious cases Listeriosis can lead … Read More

Skin-to-skin….everyone wins

Picture of baby on mothers chest

Skin-to-skin means baby is placed on mother’s bare chest for at least an hour, or until the end of the first feed. Mother and baby can be covered with a light blanket. Most procedures and checks can be done with the mother and baby skin-to-skin.  If there are medical reasons for separation of mother and baby after birth, dad can … Read More

More Time for Floor Time – Free the Babies!

Picture of baby boy crawling

You have a new baby on the way and you are wondering what you need to buy before baby arrives. Whether you are at the store, online, or talking to other parents there is a lot of information on baby equipment. Who would have thought you needed so many things for a baby? Car seats, cribs, and high chairs are … Read More

Infant Attachment

Picture of father and son playing

Importance of Attachment between You and Your Baby You may have heard how important it is for your baby to form an attachment to you as a parent. According to Infant Mental Health Promotion, “As a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s development. During the early years your relationship with your child and the experiences you provide … Read More

Zero Matters

Rethink your Drink Poster

During pregnancy there is: No safe time to drink alcohol. Most organ growth is completed a few weeks after the first three months. Brain growth continues during pregnancy and after birth. Exposure to alcohol anytime during pregnancy can affect a baby’s brain. No safe type of alcohol. All types of alcohol may be harmful to the growing baby. No safe amount. … Read More

Keeping Children Safe and Warm in Their Car Seat

It’s winter. It’s cold. As parents or caregivers, we want to make sure our little ones are warm and safe while travelling in a car seat. At a recent car seat clinic, we noticed that many parents were using “add ons” or “after-market products” with their car seat to keep their little one warm. What do we mean by “add … Read More

You’re Having a Baby!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! And now the journey begins. There is so much to learn before you bring your little one home. You may have lots of questions about pregnancy, nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, labour, birth, breastfeeding, how to care for your new baby and what is available for young families in the community. We want to help you on your journey … Read More

Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder

Experiencing pregnancy and the birth of a child can be a very happy and exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can also be a time of mixed emotions and anxiety.  Did you know that depression is the #1 complication of childbirth?  It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of pregnant women will experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression. … Read More