Sexually Transmitted Infections are infections that are transmitted during sexual activity. They are very common and are usually passed on during unprotected sex. If you are sexually active, you should get tested for STIs with each new partner. Most STIs are easily treated, but if left untreated, some STIs can cause serious illness or even permanent damage such as infertility. All testing and treatment at the Sexual Health Clinic is free. However, you may be sent to the lab with a requisition or to a pharmacy with a prescription.
STIs are spread during unprotected sex. This includes:
- Sexual intercourse
- Oral sex
- Sexual touching
- Skin to skin contact in genital area
The only way to completely avoid getting an STI is to not have sex.

How can you protect yourself from STIs?
Using condoms during sex is the best way to reduce the risk of spreading and contracting STIs. Also, it’s important that before having sex with a new partner, you both get tested. There are other ways to prevent STIs. Click here for more information.
What STIs can you be tested for?
At the Sexual Health Clinic, you can be tested for bacterial sexually transmitted infections including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomoniasis with a simple urine test. A blood sample can be taken for blood-borne infections including HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis.
What you should know before visiting our clinic:
- STI testing is provided on a walk in basis. If you are experiencing symptoms of an STI, you will require an appointment with the clinic doctor. Call the Sexual Health Intake Nurse 519.355.1071 ext. 5901
- Bring your valid Ontario Health Card, if you have one. Most services do not require a health card.
- It takes 5 business days for results to return and you will only receive a call from the nurse if there is a positive result. You can call for your results after 5 days.
If you test positive for an STI, your partner(s) will need to be notified. A Public Health Nurse will discuss this with you. Telling a partner can be difficult. Here is some information about how to start the conversation, and why it is the right thing to do. If you have concerns about telling your partner(s), tell the Public Health Nurse.