I Can Breastfeed My Baby Even if He is Very Fussy or Easy-Going

Before you welcomed your little one into your family you had visions of sitting quietly in a rocking chair blissfully holding your calm, smiling or sleeping baby. But now you are finding that your 3- week old has never smiled and even more distressing, they seem to be either crying or fussing whenever they are awake and not eating. Sometimes … Read More

I Can Breastfeed My Baby on Cue Rather Than on a Schedule

Do babies need to be fed on a schedule? Absolutely not! All babies are different and so are all mothers. Babies feed best when they are hungry. Feeding your baby when they cue to feed, helps mothers maintain a good milk supply and ensures that your baby will be satisfied and gain weight normally. Placing them on a strict schedule … Read More

I Can Breastfeed My Baby During a Growth Spurt

Most babies have several growth spurts during the first 6 months of life. Typically, growth spurts will happen around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. These are times when your baby’s brain and body are developing at a rapid pace! You may notice that your baby is fussier, not sleeping as often and showing feeding … Read More

I Can Include My Partner in the Care of My Baby

Picture this: You awake in the morning, after a sleepless night, where your baby wanted to feed every hour, on the hour. You are tired and have just enough energy to get your baby latched to feed one more time but there are so many things that need to get done. So, what do you do? Sometimes it’s difficult to … Read More

I Can Cope with Advice Given by Those Unsupportive of Breastfeeding

moms feeding babies outside while chatting

What?? You’re still breastfeeding that baby?  Some women will hear that when their babies are 2 months old or when they are 2 years old.  It can be hard to hear those negative comments from those that are closest to us.  Here are some tips to dealing with those backhanded remarks from the misinformed: o   Let’s educate them!  Inform critics … Read More

Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder

Experiencing pregnancy and the birth of a child can be a very happy and exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can also be a time of mixed emotions and anxiety.  Did you know that depression is the #1 complication of childbirth?  It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of pregnant women will experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression. … Read More