Post Traumatic Stress Disorder “Rises Above” Locally

On January 29th, in honour of Bell Let’s Talk Day 2020, a local event, “Rise Above PTSD: Stories of Redemption” was held at the Ten Seven Café & Lounge. 4 local first responders (Murray Dawson, Brian Knowler, Emily Hime and Gary Deroo) who have struggled with the demons of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, took part in a fireside chat about … Read More

Youth Vaping on the Rise

Youth Vaping on the Rise

Youth culture moves fast. “What’s in”, clothing, language, popular music and other trends change quickly and it’s hard to keep up with everything that is occurring. If you haven’t been paying attention, you might have missed that youth vaping in Canada has increased 75% in the past year (2017/2018). Here in Chatham-Kent, almost 32% of high school students have reportedly … Read More

Planning a Winter Vacation?

Picture of man traveling

Don’t forget your travel shots! It’s always exciting planning a trip. Your travel destination will have all kinds of new and fun things to do and so many different foods to taste. Keeping yourself healthy to enjoy all of these pleasures takes some planning too. Have you consulted a travel clinic about possible vaccinations or other medications that may be … Read More

Emergency Preparedness & Persons with Special Needs

Picture of woman in wheelchair with service dog

  In the event of an emergency, everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for at least 72 hours.  Having an emergency kit and an emergency plan are the best ways to prepare yourself for an emergency.  If you or a family member have a disability or special need, you also need to consider what … Read More

Whooping Cough… Are you Protected?

Picture of girl coughing

  Pertussis, also called whooping cough, is a respiratory infection that can cause coughing and choking spells which can last for weeks and even months. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to get immunized. Ensure that your children have had all their pertussis shots, as well as their high school booster shot. Adults can receive a … Read More

A Day in the Life of a Public Health Inspector: Seasonal Workers Edition

Image of multiple people running down a street

It’s a well known fact that Chatham-Kent is a world leader when it comes to agriculture. In fact, we are the number one producer in all of Canada for tomatoes, carrots, seed corn, pumpkins and cucumbers. We also lead the provincial pack in producing green peas, broccoli, cauliflower and quail. High production levels of asparagus, field peppers, Brussel sprouts and … Read More

Dog Days of Summer are here-be safe when you’re BBQing

Summer are here—Time for relaxing, traveling, and spending time outdoors with family and friends. Summer is also a great time to fire up the BBQ and grill up some delicious eats. It’s important to make sure that safe food handling practices don’t go on vacation this summer! Follow these simple tips to prevent foodborne illness at your next cookout: Thawing … Read More

A Day in the Life of a Public Health Inspector: Special Events Edition

Many people know that Public Health Inspectors examine local food establishments like dine-in restaurants, fast food joints, and even your favourite corner convenience store. What many people don’t know is the role that PHI’s play when it comes to ensuring on-site safety of special events across Chatham-Kent. This year alone, your CK Public Health Inspectors were responsible for the inspection … Read More

A Day in the Life of a Public Health Inspector: Vector Borne Diseases Edition

Annoyed campers

Ah, Summer! Beaches, boating, ball games, BBQ’s, and Vector Borne Diseases. “Vector Borne Diseases” is a relatively LARGE term that is brought on by two incredibly small organisms; mosquitos and ticks –and with the warmer weather we are at an increased risk of coming into contact with these organisms. Thankfully, CK Public Health Inspectors have “got your back” and are … Read More

Am I at Risk for TB if I Travel?

Picture of Hong Kong at night

  You should always keep in mind that certain countries are considered higher risk for acquiring Tuberculosis. Currently the five countries with the highest TB incidence worldwide are: 1.    India 2.    China 3.    South Africa 4.    Indonesia 5.    Pakistan For a complete list of other high burden countries visit If you have travelled to any of these countries it does … Read More

How to Safely Dispose of Needles

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on how to properly dispose of needles found on public or private property.   For more information please contact the CK Public Health  at 519.355.1071 ext. 5901 or email