Getting a Tattoo? STAY SAFE!!

Picture of man getting tattoo

Don’t end up with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV or a severe skin infection!

Make sure that the tattoo parlour you choose is inspected and approved by us!

If strict standards are not followed, you could be at risk. Beware of underground tattoo artists or getting a tattoo at a party!

Tattoo Checklist:

  • Make sure that you really want a tattoo – they are permanent.
  • Ask to see the latest public health inspection report. All approved places will be able to prove that they are inspected.
  • Provide your contact information to the artist in case any follow-up is required.
  • Have a look around to make sure the work area is clean.
  • Make sure the seat or bench that you are on is made of a material that can be disinfected easily – You never know who was on it before you!
  • Make sure all sterile, packaged needles, holders and grips are opened in front of you.
  • Make sure your skin is cleaned and disinfected by the artist before he/she starts the tattoo.
  • Make sure gloves are worn by the artist and equipment like the tattoo gun (machine) and its wires are covered with plastic wrap.
  • Make sure that the artist gives you aftercare instructions and follow them closely—Your new tattoo is a wound
  • Contact your doctor right away if your tattoo is not healing or if you think that is has become infected.

Visit Check It CK to see a list of all approved tattoo parlours.

For more information on tattoos, or if you are aware of a tattoo artist who is not inspected, give us a call  519.352.7270. ext. 2902