I need a TB Skin Test for school….HELP!

Image of a TB Skin Test


Are you entering post-secondary education and require a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)? For students in Community Studies, Health Sciences or other programs where the placement site requests pre-placement health clearance will require a 2-step TST. Check your program requirements for specifications.

The Mantoux TST is a standard method of determining if a person has been infected with the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.

A 2-step TST involves two tests performed within one to four weeks of each other. After administration of the first step, the individual must return 48-72 hours later to have the TST read. A total of 4 visits are required to complete this test.

Why a Two-Step Test? A single TST may have a negative reaction yet awaken an immune response to the bacteria in an individual who has been previously exposed to TB. The second TST will produce a much greater response causing a positive reaction if you have been exposed to TB previously and therefore have a latent infection.

The two-step protocol needs to be performed once only if properly performed and documented. It never needs to be repeated. Any subsequent TST can be one-step, regardless of how long it has been since the last TST.

Where you can book an appointment for a TST:

  1. Health Services at your educational institution
  2. Your healthcare provider
  3. Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit

For more information please call us at 519-355-1071 ext. 5902