A Day in the Life of a Public Health Inspector: Vector Borne Diseases Edition

Annoyed campers

Ah, Summer! Beaches, boating, ball games, BBQ’s, and Vector Borne Diseases. “Vector Borne Diseases” is a relatively LARGE term that is brought on by two incredibly small organisms; mosquitos and ticks –and with the warmer weather we are at an increased risk of coming into contact with these organisms. Thankfully, CK Public Health Inspectors have “got your back” and are … Read More

West Nile Virus

Picture of a mosquito on a hand

It is important to remain vigilant while mosquitoes are still active. Certain mosquitoes can be infected with the West Nile Virus. A bite from an infected mosquito can transmit the virus to people. West Nile Virus can cause symptoms like, fever, muscle weakness, stiff neck, confusion, severe headache or sudden sensitivity to light. If you suffer from any of these … Read More