Is Your Child Protected?

Picture of vaccination record

We have recently mailed out over 1500 immunization letters for elementary and secondary children either in need of a vaccine or needing to report their shots. There are 2 reasons to choose vaccination: To protect our children and ourselves- even if we think our chances of getting any disease is small; they do still exist and can infect anyone who … Read More

Need to Report Your Child’s Shots? — ICON

Picture of Vaccine Sticky Note

Check out our new secure online system for reporting your child’s immunizations to Chatham-Kent Public Health called ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario). You can also view your child’s current, overdue and upcoming immunizations.  It’s like a yellow card, only better. Why should I use this site? It’s an online alternative to paper immunization records. It allows you to securely keep track of … Read More

Taking a Trip? Don’t Forget Your Travel Shots!

Picture of a tropical beach

While travelling, you may be at risk for a number of exotic illnesses that can be prevented by vaccination. As you age, your vaccine-acquired protection against many illnesses may decrease, and your risk of getting certain diseases may increase. Some countries may also require you to provide proof of certain vaccinations to cross their borders. Make sure you’ve read up … Read More

School Immunization Clinic Dates — Fall 2018

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Public Health vaccination clinics for Grade 7 students are set to begin at local Chatham-Kent elementary schools again this fall to protect against: Hepatitis B Meningococcal Disease Human Papillomavirus (HPV). These vaccines are only available free of charge from Chatham-Kent Public Health; they are not available from your doctor. Only those students with signed and completed consent forms can receive these … Read More

Your Vaccine Is Protected

Picture of mother with son

Did you know that the Chatham-Kent Public Health plays an important role in making sure that the vaccines you receive are safe and effective? Public Health Nurses in Chatham-Kent inspect every location that stores publicly funded vaccine. This is called a Cold Chain Inspection. Inspections occur at all doctors’ offices, long term care facilities, retirement homes, pharmacies and hospitals at … Read More

After Immunization…in case you didn’t know

Image of little girl receiving needle

Side effects of immunization are mostly mild, such as a sore arm or mild fever for a day. But there is no way to absolutely predict how a person may react to a shot. If a more serious reaction or adverse event is suspected, you should report it to your healthcare provider or Public Health Unit — wherever the vaccine was given.  … Read More

Do you have a child enrolled in a childcare centre?

Image of two boys playing with blocks

  Chatham-Kent Public Health is required by law in Ontario to maintain immunization records for every child attending a licensed childcare centre. The health unit assesses immunization records to ensure they are accurate and up to date. This is done to protect your child in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease. Many parents think their healthcare … Read More

What is Pertussis and how can I prevent it?

  Pertussis (also called whooping cough) is a respiratory infection that can cause spells of violent coughing for weeks or months. It is spread easily through coughing and sneezing. Pertussis can also cause pneumonia, ear infections, seizures, swelling of the brain and death. Children younger than one year of age have the highest risk of complications. However, pertussis protection is … Read More

Every Child Needs Protection

Picture of two boys playing

Children in Ontario receive immunizations to help protect them from serious childhood diseases.  Vaccines help the immune system learn how to recognize and fight the germs that causes diseases.  Children begin immunizations at the age of 2 months.   Many vaccines require more than one injection before they can offer protection, so it is important to receive all shots. Any immunization … Read More

Vaccines are Important!

Vaccine Letters

Parents want to do everything possible to make sure their children are healthy and protected from preventable diseases. Vaccination is the best way to do that.     Vaccination protects children from serious illness and complications of vaccine-preventable diseases which can include amputation of an arm or leg, paralysis of limbs, hearing loss, convulsions, brain damage, and death. Vaccine-preventable diseases, such … Read More

Preparing your Student for Shots At School

Picture of young male in classroom

Your child may be feeling anxious about getting needles at school. Yes, your child. The Public Health Nurses work to minimize the time the students are within the clinical environment, and use other techniques to decrease pain and anxiety, in order to help the student through the process. Here are some ways for you to help your child prepare for … Read More

Is your child home-schooled?

Vaccine Letters

  They may qualify for free Hepatitis B, Meningococcal and Human Papillomavirus vaccines that are offered FREE to grade 7 students in Chatham-Kent. Nurses from the Public Health Unit visit each school and provide these vaccinations. They are not free from a Health Care Provider. Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by a virus. There is no cure. The … Read More