Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lapses

On this page, you will find reports of recent Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) lapse investigations completed by CK Public Health.

Recent IPAC Lapse Reports


This website contains reports on premises where an infection prevention and control lapse was identified through the assessment of a complaint or referral, or through communicable disease surveillance. It does not include reports of premises which were investigated following a complaint or referral where no infection prevention and control lapse was ultimately identified.

These reports are not exhaustive, and do not guarantee that those premises listed and not listed are free of infection prevention and control lapses. Identification of lapses is based on assessment and investigation of a premises at a point-in-time, and these assessments and investigations are triggered when potential infection prevention and control lapses are brought to the attention of the local medical officer of health.

Reports are posted on the website of the board of health in which the premises is located. Reports are posted on a premises-by-premises basis (i.e. will correspond with one site only). Should you wish to view a full investigation report for any posted lapse, please contact CK Public Health.