Frozen Mango Recall

Frozen Mango Recall – What You Need to Know Nature’s Touch Frozen Food Inc. is recalling various frozen mangos from the marketplace due to possible Hepatitis A contamination. The recalled products include: (Product Images) Check to see if you have the recalled products in your home. If you do, recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the store … Read More

Chatham-Kent Senior Achievement Awards

senior volunteer

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Senior Achievement Award. To qualify, your nominee must: be a resident of Chatham-Kent aged 55+ have achieved significant goals and outstanding contributions as a volunteer in the community   Click 2021 Seniors Expo Form to download the nomination form. Deadline for receipt of nomination forms is August 13, 2021. The 2021 Senior of the … Read More

Second Doses, What You Need to Know

Guidelines around second doses have changed a few times. Although it can be hard to follow, we see these changes as a good sign. It means that Ontario has a steady supply of vaccines and that more people will have access to second doses sooner. That means better protection against COVID-19 sooner. mRNA Vaccines Can be Mixed People who received … Read More

Blacklegged Ticks are Terrible at Social Distancing!

fingers holding a blade of grass with a blacklegged tick on it

During the pandemic, spending time outdoors can have many benefits.  It can be a great way to find new safe activities, get exercise, and maintain your mental health.  But remember, we have blacklegged ticks in Chatham-Kent, and these ticks can transmit Lyme Disease. Blacklegged ticks, sometimes called deer ticks, are commonly found in wooded and grassy areas. Lyme Disease and … Read More

Pressing Pause on First Doses of AstraZeneca

  First and foremost, if you received AstraZeneca, we want you to know that you made the right choice to be vaccinated. To go without protection at a time when the COVID-19 virus is circulating widely, would have been significantly more unsafe than the risks associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine. By choosing to receive this vaccine, you protected yourself, your … Read More

National Immunization Awareness Week

National Immunization Awareness Week (NIAW) is an annual event held in the last week of April to highlight and recognize the importance of immunization. Canada’s NIAW coincides with Vaccination Week in the Americas and World Immunization Week. During NIAW, you will see increased publicity about the importance of immunization and the success and impact that immunization has had in protecting and saving lives. Many … Read More

One year later

  One year ago today, a local emergency was declared in Chatham-Kent as a global pandemic was declared over the COVID-19 virus. One year later, over 12 000 local residents have been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. And in that year in between, our community has learned a lot about itself, and stayed connected to each other in ways that … Read More

Maad’ookiing Mshkiki — Sharing Medicine: Connecting Indigenous Communities with Culturally Relevant COVID-19 Vaccine Information

  Knowledge is Medicine. Love is Medicine. Storytelling is Medicine. Kinship is Medicine. Anishinaabemowin Translation provided by Loretta Assinewai-Fox and “her aunties.” Today marks the launch of Maad’ookiing Mshkiki – Sharing Medicine a virtual hub that provides culturally relevant and trauma-informed information about COVID-19 vaccinations for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. The community-centered resources aim to empower informed consent for … Read More

This Is A Story About Resiliency

  History is being made every day.   We are living in an unprecedented time, and while that experience may look differently for all of us, we can find common ground at those moments when we are all enter into each day with bravery, and a determined sense of resiliency. Just a couple short weeks ago, Chatham-Kent received its first … Read More

Back to School in 2021

What happens if a person attending school tests positive for COVID-19?

As staff and students get ready to return to in person classes on February 8th, we’d like to re-share some important information about schools and COVID-19. Returning to class in 2021 brings in a some additional public health measures from the province that may include: Provincewide access, in consultation with the local PHU, to targeted asymptomatic testing for students and … Read More

The COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives In Chatham-Kent

What a start to the week! After nearly a year of living a COVID-19 reality, Chatham-Kent caught a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel, and celebrated the arrival of its first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine on Monday January 25, 2021.  CK Public Health staff, along with Chatham-Kent EMS and CKHA, went straight to work, and … Read More

Vaccine Plan for CK

As Wave 2 of the COVID-19 pandemic reaches a critical point, we know the light at the end of tunnel may still seem far away.  Despite these difficult days, hope is very much on the horizon with the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. We are anticipating to hear news in the very near future from the provincial government … Read More