Let’s Start a Conversation! part 5

Health = Community belonging A community that offers support, respect, & opportunities to particpate helps us all be healthy. Feeling included makes a difference! To learn more, check out this video! Video produced by the Wellesley Institute

Chatham-Kent FASD Network

Purpose: To support the enhancement of Chatham-Kent’s capacity to address the range of services and supports which relate to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Vision: Families and individuals affected by FASD will have the supports and information needed to improve their daily lives. Membership: Individuals or organizations with an interest, knowledge, and commitment to those with FASD. Meetings: 4 times … Read More

Getting It Right at 18 Months

As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. Research tells us that a child’s early years set the foundation for the rest of their life. Here are some tips to ensure that your child is off to a good start. Give your child love and attention every day by talking, reading, and playing with your … Read More

Let’s Start a Conversation! part 4

Health = having a vibrant middle class A community is healthier if everyone gets their fair share of money.  This means that in communities where the gap between the rich and poor is smaller, the healthier everyone is. In Canada, however, this gap is growing.  This is causing a shrinking middle class and creating a group of people who work but … Read More

You’re Having a Baby!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! And now the journey begins. There is so much to learn before you bring your little one home. You may have lots of questions about pregnancy, nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, labour, birth, breastfeeding, how to care for your new baby and what is available for young families in the community. We want to help you on your journey … Read More

Let’s Start a Conversation! – part 2

Everyone has a story to tell. “I’ve just lost my job.” “There is mould in my apartment.” “I wish I had friends to hang out with.” “I can’t find flexible daycare.” “I sometimes go to school hungry.” Listen and consider the ways in which people’s stories shape their ability to be healthy.   Let’s start a conversation.  Share what you know! … Read More

Free Gardening Workshop

Want to Learn How to Grow your Own Vegetables? We are offering a FREE interactive workshop Sunday June 2 2-4 pm At Kingston Park This will be a hands-on session teaching you how to: Build raised bed gardens Grow using a square foot garden technique No registration is required and the event is open to all ages to participate.  This … Read More

Let’s Start a Conversation

Health starts, long before illness, in our homes, schools and jobs. The most important things we can do for our health may not be as obvious as we think.  Here is what contributes most to our health: Having options and opportunities A rewarding job with a living wage Food on the table and a place to call home A good … Read More

Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder

Experiencing pregnancy and the birth of a child can be a very happy and exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can also be a time of mixed emotions and anxiety.  Did you know that depression is the #1 complication of childbirth?  It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of pregnant women will experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression. … Read More

Before you hit the yard sales – read this

Attention shoppers! Before hitting the yard sales, flea markets and second-hand stores this summer, check out Health Canada’s “Information for Shoppers of Second-hand Products”. It will help you avoid unsafe purchases and it has great tips for online shopping too! Children and magnets don’t mix! Small powerful magnets that are loose or contained in a very small item are dangerous. … Read More

Your Voice Could Make a Difference For Adults Living With Dental Pain

Thousands of Ontarians live with dental pain everyday. OHIP pays to treat pain and infection in every part of the body except the mouth. You can show your support of extending provincial programs to include adults who need, and cannot afford, emergency dental treatment by contacting your MPP.  Stop by the Chatham Kent Public Health Unit, Clinic Services at 177 … Read More

Parenting, Resilience & Role Modelling

A parent’s job is to help their child grow into a happy, independent adult. But how exactly does a parent do this? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a roadmap for parenting, or better yet, an app for that! One way to help children on their road to independence is to help them develop the skills to bounce back from life’s challenges … Read More