Tap Water Vs Bottled Water

Icon for tap and bottled water

In 2013, Canadians drank 2.4 billiion litres of bottled water! 1 Bottled water has become a popular choice because it is healthy, calorie-free, and convenient! However, there has been much controversy over whether bottled water is better and safer than tap water. Let’s take a closer look at the facts… Your wallet Bottled Water: Can cost Canadians anywhere from $0.08 … Read More

Smoking in multi-unit housing

Smoke-Free Housing Ontario Logo

Imagine being excited to move into a new apartment and finally getting settled in only to realize that your new home has drifting second-hand smoke entering from a neighbor? What would you do? How would you feel? What if you had health challenges that got worse from this type of exposure on a frequent basis? Unfortunately, this type of living arrangement can … Read More

West Nile Virus

Picture of a mosquito on a hand

It is important to remain vigilant while mosquitoes are still active. Certain mosquitoes can be infected with the West Nile Virus. A bite from an infected mosquito can transmit the virus to people. West Nile Virus can cause symptoms like, fever, muscle weakness, stiff neck, confusion, severe headache or sudden sensitivity to light. If you suffer from any of these … Read More

Swim Safe This Summer

Image of father playing with children

On a hot summer day, there’s nothing quite quite like a dip in the pool. But before you dive right in, there are a few things to keep in mind. Accidents happen quickly, so let’s talk a bit about safety. Kids are most at risk for drowning so there’s absolutely no substitute for constant adult supervision. You must have swimmers … Read More

Aim for 8 – Fruit and Vegetable Vouchers 2016

Once again the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit (CKPHU) is launching its Aim for 8 Campaign encourage people in Chatham-Kent to eat more fruits and vegetables. As part of Aim for 8, CKPHU has partnered with farmers’ markets, local vendors and grocery stores to offer the Fruit and Vegetable Voucher Program. This program is a great way to try new fruits … Read More

Blue W in Chatham-Kent

Refill water logo

What is Blue W? Blue-W is a community-based program dedicated to promoting municipal tap water as a healthy, accessible, and affordable alternative to buying bottled water. Organizations that register with Blue W provide the public access to clean, municipal tap water for free without the requirement of other purchases at that establishment. The Blue W website provides a map showing … Read More

Is There a Baby in Your Future?

Question Marks on chalkboard

Your health (men and women) during the years you are able to have a baby is called preconception health. Whether or not you plan to have a baby one day, preconception health is about taking charge of your health, choosing healthy habits and feeling good about your life. If you aren’t planning a pregnancy, keep in mind that no one expects … Read More

Are you thinking of using infant formula?

Picture of pregnant women

How you feed your baby is an important decision. Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit supports all women and their families by providing fact based information. We want you to have all the information you need to make an “informed decision” that is right for you. Know the Facts – Infant Formula    

10th Anniversary of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

Smoke Free Ontario Logo

It was almost ten years ago today that significant changes swept across communities in Ontario. On June 1, 2006, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act officially became law and changed our society dramatically. Effective on that day, smoking was no longer permitted in indoor public places and slowly over the past ten years has protected us in even more places where we … Read More

Healthy Kids Community Challenge – Theme 2 THINK TANK: Water Does Wonders!

Boy drinking glass of water

Let’s get talking about water Chatham-Kent! Bring your ideas for policy change, built environment changes, and programs that would promote the idea of drinking more water, and drinking fewer sugary drinks. We would like to make water more attractive to children and their families – through the lens of physical health, balanced diet, activities & sports, environmental stewardship, and more. … Read More

Let’s Talk About It…

Picture of children colouring

Let’s Talk About It…Healthy Sexuality for the Middle School Age Child (9-12) Most children in this age group will begin a rapid phase of transition from childhood to adolescence. The term puberty refers to a stage of physical maturation where a person becomes capable of reproduction. It is important for parents and educators to ensure that children are fully aware … Read More

Super Kids CK: Creating Healthy Community Partnerships

Super Kids CK button

Super Kids CK is very excited to announce the recipients of the Super Kids CK Boosters Program. The selected community agencies will be partnering with Super Kids CK to bring exciting and innovative programs and initiates to Chatham-Kent, helping us to bring the Theme of ‘Run.Jump.Play. Every Day’ to life in our community. To learn a little bit more about … Read More