High School Students: Are You Up to Date?

Picture of young girl in class

Caution: This video contains science 🙂 Often when we think of vaccines, we think of our baby and childhood shots. We forget that in order to keep that same level of protection that we enjoyed as children, we occasionally need booster doses. Tetanus booster shots are required every ten years for all teens and adults. The Tdap (Adacel) shot provided to adolescents … Read More

Vision Screening Program for SK Students

The 2018 Ontario Public Health Standards require Public Health Units to implement a universal Vision Screening Program for SK students. The Ottawa Public Health Unit created an excellent video reinforcing the importance of comprehensive eye exams, signs of potential vision problems, and a preview of vision screening. We have begun its senior kindergarten vision screening pilot and will provide vision … Read More

Winter Weather – Be Careful, Be Prepared!

Picture of a snowstorm

It is important to be prepared for anything while out on the roads.  One part of being prepared is to ensure that your vehicle is equipped with an emergency kit.  A vehicle emergency kit will ensure you have useful supplies to take care of yourself if you are stranded or stuck. You should ensure your car is prepared to handle … Read More

Require shots for school? Contact us — We can help.

Picture of family building a snowman

  The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit has mailed suspension letters for elementary and high students whose immunization records remain incomplete. The letters contain what information is missing and how to update the health unit to ensure your child can remain in school. April 2, 2019 is suspension day and only the health unit can rescind the suspension not the school … Read More

Upcoming Immunization Clinic Dates for Students

2 boys smiling at a school desk

  In order to protect children against vaccine preventable disease, the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit is mandated by the Ontario Immunization of School Pupils Act to collect vaccine information from each student enrolled in school. If the Health Unit does not have the required immunization information or a valid exemption, then you have been issued an Order for Suspension from … Read More

Vision Related to Video Games

Picture of kids playing video games together

With the winter months upon us, children may spend more time indoors and on their video games. However, too much time focusing on a screen can strain your child’s eyes. Here are a few tips to ensure your child is safely enjoying their video games: Balance video game time with plenty of creative, outdoor and quiet play. Keep their screen … Read More

Vision Related to Video Games

Picture of kids playing video games together

With the winter months upon us, children may spend more time indoors and on their video games. However, too much time focusing on a screen can strain your child’s eyes. Here are a few tips to ensure your child is safely enjoying their video games: Balance video game time with plenty of creative, outdoor and quiet play. Keep their screen … Read More

Is Your Child Protected?

Picture of vaccination record

We have recently mailed out over 1500 immunization letters for elementary and secondary children either in need of a vaccine or needing to report their shots. There are 2 reasons to choose vaccination: To protect our children and ourselves- even if we think our chances of getting any disease is small; they do still exist and can infect anyone who … Read More

Need to Report Your Child’s Shots? — ICON

Picture of Vaccine Sticky Note

Check out our new secure online system for reporting your child’s immunizations to Chatham-Kent Public Health called ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario). You can also view your child’s current, overdue and upcoming immunizations.  It’s like a yellow card, only better. Why should I use this site? It’s an online alternative to paper immunization records. It allows you to securely keep track of … Read More

Vision Screening Program 2019

Image of school kids and books

Did you know…   The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit will be piloting a vision screening program for senior kindergarten students beginning in January 2019? With a full SK vision screening program for all Chatham-Kent elementary schools starting in the 2019/2020 school year. The 2018 Ontario Public Health Standards require public health units to implement a vision screening program for SK students. … Read More

Taking a Trip? Don’t Forget Your Travel Shots!

Picture of a tropical beach

While travelling, you may be at risk for a number of exotic illnesses that can be prevented by vaccination. As you age, your vaccine-acquired protection against many illnesses may decrease, and your risk of getting certain diseases may increase. Some countries may also require you to provide proof of certain vaccinations to cross their borders. Make sure you’ve read up … Read More

Cannabis is now legal in Chatham-Kent

Picture of marijuana leaf

There is a lot of information about the legalization of cannabis in Ontario. Here in Chatham-Kent, we’d like to highlight some of the key issues about this topic. This page will be updated regularly with accurate evidence based information to support local residents during this time of change. Health Risks What is Cannabis? Harm Reduction Cannabis and the Law Resources … Read More