Changes to Seniors Vision Coverage

Ontario Government and Ontario Association of Optometrists Reach Historic Agreement

Changes for Seniors (aged 65 years or older) Effective September 1, 2023

Annual Eye Exams

Current: One exam every 12 months for all seniors aged 65 years or older.

Change: Seniors with eligible medical conditions affecting their eyes such as macular degeneration, glaucoma or diabetes will continue to receive one exam every 12 months. Seniors without an eligible medical condition will receive one exam every 18 months.

Rationale: This change reflects consensus reached between the OAO and the Ministry of Health on an appropriate amount of OHIP coverage over this timeframe based on the best clinical evidence and prioritizes seniors with the highest needs. This change also aligns with other provinces, such as Manitoba and Nova Scotia, which insure eye exams every 24 months for healthy seniors.

Minor Follow-Up Assessments

Current: Seniors aged 65 and older are eligible to receive an unlimited number of minor follow-up assessments following the annual eye exam.

Change: Seniors with eligible medical conditions affecting their eyes can receive two minor follow-up assessment exams every 12 months following the annual eye exam. Seniors without an eligible medical condition can receive two minor follow-up assessment exams every 18 months following the annual eye exam.

Rationale: This change reflects consensus reached between the OAO and the Ministry of Health on an appropriate amount of OHIP coverage over this timeframe based on the best clinical evidence and prioritizes seniors with the highest needs. This change also aligns with Alberta, which has a limit of one minor assessment per 12-months unless there are special circumstances.