Breastfeeding:  A Shared Responsibility – Health Services

Health Services

In the first 1,000 days of your child’s life you will come in contact with Health Services in multiple settings that can provide a WARM CHAIN that supports your breastfeeding goals.

PRENATALLY your Public Health Unit can provide online classes.  Your Health Care Professional (Midwife/ Obstetrician/Nurse Practitioner/Family Doctor) can inform all pregnant women and their partners about the importance and management of breastfeeding.

During LABOUR AND BIRTH Health Professionals can avoid C-section and instrumental births as well as other routine procedures, unless medically indicated. They can establish Baby-Friendly birthing practices that ensure uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and support mothers to initiate breastfeeding. These Health Professionals can keep up-to-date information on medications so that mothers aren’t told to stop breastfeeding when it’s not needed.

In the POSTPARTUM period Lactation Consultants, Public Health Nurses, Paediatricians, Registered Dietitians and Mother Support Groups can provide information and training on the art and science of breastfeeding; provide skilled lactation support for mothers during their breastfeeding journey, and help them to overcome difficulties, including returning to work.

It takes a network of Health Care Professionals to share the responsibility of SUPPORTING and PROMOTING breastfeeding for our community.

For more information or to contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant call the Health Unit at 519-352-7270 ext. 2903.