Community Survey on Social Attitudes Towards Inequality in Chatham-Kent

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Community Survey?

  • To explore public awareness of the existence of health inequities
  • To explore public views in Chatham-Kent on the potential causes of health and income differences and views on the relationship between health inequities, individual choices, and social circumstances
  • To explore role of (local) government and individuals in addressing health differences
  • To examine whether there are differences in social attitudes towards inequality by sociodemographic characteristics and subjective well-being

How did you get my telephone number?

Your number was randomly selected using a computer program from a publicly available database.

Who will be interviewing me?

Chatham-Kent Public Health has contracted Ipsos, a Canadian-based market research and public opinion firm, to conduct this study. Ipsos telephone interviewers will be calling you to ask you to participate in the survey. Households will be called, beginning on February 20th, for approximately 2 weeks.

How long is the survey?

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time. If you are not available at the time Ipsos calls you, you can book a day and time with the interviewer that is more convenient for you.

Do I need to participate?

The survey is completely voluntary. You can choose to decline to participate in the survey or choose to decline specific questions in the survey if you are not comfortable answering. We welcome you, however, to participate. Your opinions matter.

Can I complete the survey if I am not called?

No, at this time we are only collecting data from a random sample of Chatham-Kent residents. This is the best way to provide results that represent the entire community. The results of this survey will provide baseline information that may direct future data collection activities.

Is my information confidential?

Yes, your responses will be confidential and anonymous. We will not be collecting your name, address or other personal information. Responses to questions in the survey will in no way be linked to an individual person.

Who do I contact for more information?

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:

Laura Zettler

Epidemiologist, CK Public Health

226.312.2023 ext. 2407