Don’t be that guy

Just because she isn’t saying no… doesn’t mean she’s saying yes.

The most common drug involved in sexual assault is alcohol. Most people use alcohol to relax and have fun but drinking too much can put you at risk of sexual assault.

 It is always your responsibility to make sure you and your partner are sober enough to give sexual consent. If someone has trouble walking, talking or focusing, they are too drunk to consent. Drinking or “making out” does not mean consent to other sexual activity. Consent should always be clear. Otherwise, it is sexual assault.

Some sexual assault victims blame themselves, feel ashamed or feel responsible. You do not cause assault by what you wear or how you act. Being drunk is never an invitation for sex.

So what can you do to protect yourself and your friends?

If you plan to drink:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and who you are with
  • Designate someone to stay sober
  • Make a promise to your friends to keep an eye on each other
  • If you feel the need to sleep, get sick or pass out, have the sober friend agree to stay with you and take you home
  • Never leave your drink unattended
  • If your drink looks, tastes or smells strange don’t drink it
  • Don’t let anyone pressure you into drinking more than you want to
  • Most sexual assaults occur in homes. It could be your own, your friend’s, or at a house party.

 If you are sexually assaulted, or think you have been drugged go to the nearest Emergency Department as soon as possible. In Chatham, you can call the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre at Chatham-Kent Health Alliance at 519-352-6400.

For more information, contact Chatham-Kent Public Health Clinic Services at 519-355-1071.