More Time for Floor Time – Free the Babies!

Picture of baby boy crawling

You have a new baby on the way and you are wondering what you need to buy before baby arrives. Whether you are at the store, online, or talking to other parents there is a lot of information on baby equipment. Who would have thought you needed so many things for a baby? Car seats, cribs, and high chairs are … Read More

Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

Picture of a baby girl doing tummy time

Back to sleep and tummy to play promotes healthy growth and development for your baby. Give your baby a great start! Back to Sleep Always place your baby on their back to sleep, whether nap time or night time, at home or away. Infants placed on their back to sleep, for every sleep, have a reduced risk of Sudden Infant … Read More

Tummy Time

Why is it important?  Supervised tummy time is an important activity that needs to be part of a baby’s daily routine. It helps prevent baby flathead and tight neck muscles. It is also important in promoting your baby’s development. There has been an increase in the number of babies developing baby flathead (positional plagiocephaly), as well as tight neck muscles (torticollis). Babies’ … Read More