Tara’s Story

Family Photos on a wall

Immunizations are important in all stages of life. Infants and young children need shots because their immune systems are not mature enough to fight infection. They need their shots given on a well – timed schedule. Older children and adults also need shots to restore fading immunity or to build new immunity against different diseases. So, please, choose to immunize, … Read More

When is the Flu Not Really the Flu? When it’s Stomach Flu!

Picture of a sick teen

There is no such thing as ‘stomach flu’. It is a misleading term that doesn’t make much sense when you think about it. Why is that? Well, ‘Flu’ is an abbreviation of ‘Influenza’, a respiratory illness of your upper airways. It is not related to intense, short-term bouts of diarrhea and/or vomiting experienced by your gut. These stomach illnesses are … Read More

Stop! Clean Your Hands!

Hand cleaning is very simple. It is the best way to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses such as the flu and MRSA after you’ve touched a potentially contaminated surface at the gym, at work or school, or at home or if you are dealing with a nasty cold. www.handhygiene.ca recommends that we clean our hands for at least 20 … Read More