Terrible Tooth Tricks!

Do you treat your mouth like a Swiss army knife, chewing, tearing, ripping and pulling through any and every thing?  See our list for some of the worst mis-uses of your pearly-whites! Toothpicks: These are great for baking and craft time, not so great for your mouth.  Even though “tooth” is right in the name, all you need to do … Read More

Playing It Safe – Childproofing the Environment

Every day, children are exposed to potentially hazardous substances where they live, learn and play.  There is growing concern about the effect that harmful chemicals and other hazards have on their health. The best way to protect our children is to reduce or eliminate as many contaminants as possible from the air, water, soil, food and products.  To create a … Read More

Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

Picture of a baby girl doing tummy time

Back to sleep and tummy to play promotes healthy growth and development for your baby. Give your baby a great start! Back to Sleep Always place your baby on their back to sleep, whether nap time or night time, at home or away. Infants placed on their back to sleep, for every sleep, have a reduced risk of Sudden Infant … Read More

E-Cigarettes not advised by Health Canada

Across Chatham-Kent, several retailers have been selling a variety of “electronic cigarettes”, also known as “E-cigarettes”.  Depending on the manufacturer, these products advertise a number of features and “benefits” compared to regular tobacco products.   “E-cigarettes” are being promoted as a safe alternative to tobacco and as an effective way to help you quit smoking.  Health Canada however, is advising Canadians: … Read More

Planning a Pregnancy, Pregnancy and Parenting

Thinking of starting a family?  Expecting a baby? Are you a new parent? These are exciting times in life and a time when you need information you can trust and feel confident using.  Start with these websites. You will find information on: planning a pregnancy parenting pregnancy healthy living nutrition health care safety Websites for Planning a Pregnancy, Pregnancy & … Read More

“National Child Day” Sunday November 20th

Events to honor children will be taking place in hundreds of communities across Canada.  To celebrate the children of CK, the Best Start partners are pleased to announce that they will be providing numerous FREE and exciting activities for children from Nov 14 to 20.  baby blankets that will be given to newborn babies dancing craft making reading swimming skating … Read More

Hydration and the Young Athlete

Attend any track meet, soccer game or visit a recreation facility and you’re likely to see children drinking soft drinks, energy boosters or sports beverages. Parents often ask if children need these drinks to enhance their performance or‘re-hydrate’ themselves after participation in activity. Whatever happened to water?  If we are losing water through sweat, then why not supply our bodies … Read More

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

DON’T Flush It!         DON’T Trash It!         DON’T Share It! It’s time to clean out your medicine cabinet and return unused medicine to your local pharmacy for safe, FREE disposal! Why should I bother? 18% of Ontario youth reported non-medical use of a prescription opioid pain reliever. 75% of these youth get the medication from home. Certain medications can increase your risk … Read More

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

DON’T Flush It!         DON’T Trash It!         DON’T Share It! It’s time to clean out your medicine cabinet and return unused medicine to your local pharmacy for safe, FREE disposal! Why should I bother? 18% of Ontario youth reported non-medical use of a prescription opioid pain reliever. 75% of these youth get the medication from home. Certain medications can increase your risk … Read More

Pap Screening Saves Lives!

National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week, October 23-29th Cervical cancer is almost entirely preventable with immunization and regular screening. This year Chatham-Kent Public Health has teamed up with Cancer Care Ontario and The Federation of Medical Women of Canada to bring awareness to Cervical Cancer and urge women to get their Pap test! According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, … Read More

Parenting Toddlers

What’s Positive About Discipline? A toddler’s job is to get to know the world by seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling everything. They move very quickly, touch everything, put everything in their mouth, do not understand “breakable” and are prone to injuries. Toddlers are very busy exploring their world but cannot understand the risks. A parent’s job is to provide … Read More

Alcohol and Pregnancy

Give your baby the best start possible! Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects and life-long brain damage to your baby. There is no safe time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Your baby’s brain is developing throughout pregnancy. The safest choice in pregnancy is no alcohol at all. In fact, it is best to stop drinking before you get pregnant. … Read More