Getting a Tattoo? STAY SAFE!!

Picture of man getting tattoo

Don’t end up with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV or a severe skin infection! Make sure that the tattoo parlour you choose is inspected and approved by us! If strict standards are not followed, you could be at risk. Beware of underground tattoo artists or getting a tattoo at a party! Tattoo Checklist: Make sure that you really want a … Read More

Let’s Talk About It…

Students Giving Thumbs Up

Let’s Talk About It… Healthy Sexuality for the Older School Age Child (Age 7-9) Slow and steady physical growth continues at this age. Children in this age range are in the final stages of establishing their gender identities. Body exploration is common and normal, and they may become modest about their own bodies and seek more privacy. They are aware … Read More

Nutrition Month: Quality Counts – Bringing Back the Family Meal!

Picture of family having dinner

Did you know that kids who eat meals with their families are healthier? Enjoying family mealtime is an easy (and free!) way to boost the quality of your meal. Eating together as a family can help improve food choices, and lead to healthier weights in children. Kids who share mealtimes with family tend to eat more fruits and vegetables, and … Read More

How Screen Time Affects Your Child

Picture of kid watching cartoons

TV, computers and cell phones are a large part of our lives.  However, we know that too much screen time can have a negative effect on families. To help children develop healthy habits: Introduce good television and technology habits when children are young. Limit screen time.  The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends that children under the age of two should not … Read More

Need Your Well Water Tested?

Picture of tap water

Pick up a water bottle, free of charge, from us or your local municipal service centre. Keep the bottle closed until the moment you fill it. Take the sample on the day you are planning to return it to us. Run the water for 2-3 minutes; remove any aerators, etc. from the sample tap. Remove the tamper-proof, sealed cap from … Read More

Mindful Workplace Workshop

Picture of career professionals

Workplace Wellness Conference in Chatham MaryAnn Baynton, a workplace relations specialist and Founder and Executive Director of Mindful Employer will be a guest speaker at the “Becoming a Mindful Workplace” conference on May 11, 2016 held at the John D. Bradley Centre.  At this interactive conference, those who attend will be given tools to develop resilience, reduce conflict and work … Read More

Nutrition Month 2016: Take a 100 Meal Journey!

Nutrition Month Logo

Did you know that the average Canadian eats 100 meals each month? March is Nutrition Month. This year dietitians are encouraging Canadians to make small, sustainable improvements to their health one meal at a time. Here in Canada, 3 out of 5 adults are living with chronic disease, and 4 out of 5 adults are at risk of developing chronic … Read More

Run, Jump, Play. Everyday.

Picture of girl on toboggan

The Healthy Kids Community Challenge is Ontario’s new initiative to support the health of our children, and Chatham-Kent has been chosen to be a part of it. The Healthy Kids Community Challenge unites 45 communities across the province with a common goal: promoting children’s health through physical activity and healthy eating. Under the banner of ‘SUPER KIDS CK’, we will … Read More

Radon and Lung Cancer

Picture of house with Radon

The basement of the family home may be the place your children play, you work, or your guests sleep – it’s also the place where a dangerous gas called radon could be circulating. Radon can have serious health implications over a long time of exposure. Radon is a colourless, odourless, tasteless radioactive gas that is released into the air when … Read More

Skin-to-skin….everyone wins

Picture of baby on mothers chest

Skin-to-skin means baby is placed on mother’s bare chest for at least an hour, or until the end of the first feed. Mother and baby can be covered with a light blanket. Most procedures and checks can be done with the mother and baby skin-to-skin.  If there are medical reasons for separation of mother and baby after birth, dad can … Read More