Wellness Council Support

Schools are in a unique position to promote health among students and help reverse the trend of students adopting unhealthy lifestyles.  Current research shows that student-led activities, with the support of interested adults, are well-received by peers in the school environment.  Therefore, forming a Wellness Council with students can have a great impact on school health and can create a … Read More

Bill 45 – Making Healthier Choices Act – Menu Labelling in Ontario

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Now It Is Easier to Make Better Menu Choices Starting January 1st, 2017 you will notice new information listed beside standard menu items in some restaurants.  The Healthy Menu Choices Act (Bill 45, Making Healthier Choices Act), aims to provide you with calorie information, which can help you make food and drink choices while dining out. What is menu labelling? … Read More

Are You Prepared for Winter Driving?

Slippery roads. Reduced visibility. Bitter cold. Winter weather will soon be here making driving difficult and even dangerous.  Are you prepared?  Do you have winter safety and emergency equipment in your car? A basic kit should contain: Food that won’t spoil, such as energy bars Water-plastic bottles that won’t break if the water freezes Extra clothing and shoes or boots … Read More

Holiday Cooking

Picture of Thanksgiving Turkey

Turkey is one of our basic holiday foods and it’s important to handle and cook turkey safely to avoid any illness. Here are a few helpful tips. Thawing a Turkey  Never thaw a turkey at room temperature. Leave it in the original plastic package. Place turkey on a tray on the bottom shelf  in the fridge, allowing 5 hours per pound … Read More

Using Technology during an Emergency

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  We rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues. But what happens in the event of a major emergency? Suddenly these tools can become vital in helping us get in touch and stay informed. So here are some tips on using technology in an emergency: Use non-voice channels like text messaging, … Read More

Rotavirus Protection For Your Baby

Picture of mother checking baby in the crib

Rotavirus is a common virus that can cause watery diarrhea, fever and vomiting. It can be life threatening for infants and small children. Most children become affected by the virus at least once before the age of five. Ontario provides a free vaccine at age 2 and 4 months to prevent the virus. This vaccine is different from other vaccines … Read More

Responsible Consumption and Production

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Being environmentally friendly is something that is highly encouraged in our country and the world. We think more about how our actions, consumption and attitudes can affect our environment more now than ever before. We recycle, we read labels, we care about our wildlife and forests. We are choosing non-disposable products, we try to conserve energy and are making conscious … Read More

Peace and Justice

Picture of woman breastfeeding

As a breastfeeding mother, you have the legal right to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, whether you choose to cover up or not! According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, all women are legally protected from discrimination and harassment because of sex, and that extends into pregnancy and breastfeeding. So, if anyone asks you to “cover up” or move to a more … Read More

CK Breastfeeding Coalition

The Chatham-Kent Breastfeeding Coalition is made up of a network of organizations and community members. We work together to make sure that families receive up-to-date breastfeeding information in a way that makes sense for them. You can access accurate information early in your pregnancy at the Building Healthy Babies programs throughout Chatham, Wallaceburg, Blenheim or Tilbury. This program meets at … Read More

Chatham-Kent Breastfeeding Coalition

The Chatham-Kent Breastfeeding Coalition is made up of a network of organizations and community members. We work together to make sure that families receive up-to-date breastfeeding information in a way that makes sense for them. You can access accurate information early in your pregnancy at the Building Healthy Babies programs in Chatham, Wallaceburg, Blenheim and Tilbury. This program meets at … Read More

Breastfeeding: Your first step toward health and well-being!

Image of woman breastfeeding

Did you know breastfeeding is an affordable to protect a mother’s health? Breastfeeding is one of two health behaviours that is linked with a decreased risk of breast cancer for all women whether there is a family history or not. Exercise is the other. In fact, there is up to a 28% decrease in risk of developing breast cancer for … Read More

The challenges of quitting smoking

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVbVuNcR4pU If you’re trying to quit smoking it’s normal not to succeed on your first attempt. Did you know that more than half of current smokers intend to quit within the next six months and take an average of 30 attempts to successfully quit smoking? Unfortunately only 4-7% of the time, unassisted quit attempts are successful. The challenges of overcoming … Read More