We Are CK Public Health.

Working Together to Build a Healthy Community!


Everyone in Chatham-Kent has the opportunity to reach optimal health and a high quality of life.


Working with and for the community to deliver evidence informed, equity-focused programs and services that protect and promote the health of all Chatham-Kent residents.


Collaboration. Inclusion. Trust & Respect. Leadership. Adaptive. Knowledge.


We provide programs and services to the citizens of Chatham-Kent in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards. These programs are provincially funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Health Canada, and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and are brought to you by a qualified team of professionals including:

  • Community Outreach and Public Relations Officer
  • Dental Assistants
  • Dental Hygienists
  • Dentist
  • Dietitian
  • Epidemiologists
  • Health Data Analyst
  • Planning & Evaluation Specialist
  • Program Assistants
  • Public Health Educators
  • Public Health Inspectors
  • Public Health Nurses
  • Public Health Nutritionists
  • Tobacco Enforcement Officer
  • Youth Engagement Coordinator

Chatham-Kent Board of Health

The Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) includes important information regarding the governance of public health units including the definition of a Board of Health, and the role and mandate of a Board of Health.

Learn More

Annual Report

CK Public Health releases an annual report every spring. You can view the 2023 Annual Report online now.

2023 Annual Report

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