Every year in Canada, the third week of January, is celebrated as National Non-Smoking Week where Canadians are encouraged to live happier, healthier lives by quitting smoking.
Did you know that in Chatham-Kent, tobacco use is responsible for 220 deaths, 766 hospitalizations, and 1723 emergency room visits for those aged 35+ each and every year? [i] Or that youth who vape are at increased risk of using tobacco products in the future? [ii]
This unnecessary death, disability and harm to our friends and family members is preventable.
National Non-Smoking Week is your chance to impact your health in a positive way by making a quit attempt. There are a variety of free support options available to you that include:
1. Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy! (Patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers)
If you are currently smoking or vaping, there are a variety of programs and supports in place that can help assist you in your journey to quitting.
- If you don’t currently have a family doctor (and meet other eligibility requirements) you could be eligible for our CK STOP PROGRAM and get up to 26 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum, lozenges and/or inhaler) free of charge.
- If you’re interested on quitting on your own, sign up today for “STOP on the NET” and receive up 6 weeks of Nicotine Replacement Therapy mailed free to your home.
- Are you a patient of a “Family Health Team” (Chatham-Kent FHT, Thamesview FHT, Tilbury FHT) or the “Chatham-Kent Community Health Centre”? The CAMH “Stop Program” is also offered through their offices. Connect with them today to get started on your quit journey.
2. Want to quit using medications?
Some quit smoking medications like Champix and Zyban may be available to you for lower costs depending on what types of coverage you may have. (Ontario Drug Benefit Card, NIHB plan, workplace health insurance plans)
Try speaking to your doctor or pharmacist to see if this is an option you’re looking to explore.
If you are needing any assistance in navigating your quit options please contact us at CKSmokeFree@Chatham-Kent.ca, or by phone at 519-352-7270 x 2488.
Don’t Quit Quitting!!
[i] Ontario Health and Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Burden of Health Conditions Attributable to Smoking and Alcohol by Public Health Unit in Ontario. Toronto: King’s Printer for Ontario; 2023.
[ii] Association between e-cigarette use and future combustible cigarette use: Evidence from a prospective cohort of youth and young adults, 2017–2019 Addictive Behaviors (2021) Elizabeth C. Hair , Alexis A. Barton , Siobhan N. Perks , Jennifer Kreslake , Haijun Xiao , Lindsay Pitzer , Adam M. Leventhal, Donna M. Vallone