Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility – Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development

Did you know that healthy foods and healthy feeding habits help build a healthy brain?

Brain development is a lifelong process, the first three years of a child’s life are the most critical for brain development. As a parent or caregiver, feeding choices are one of the first decisions you will make to give your child the best start in life.

Breastfeeding is the most effective way to ensure child health and survival:

Breastfeeding from the newborn period and up to two years and beyond will help protect your child from illnesses such as respiratory, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular and chronic illnesses.

Breastfeeding also benefits cognitive, physical, behavioral and social and emotional development. Did you know specific fatty acids in human milk are essential for brain development? Studies have proven that breastfeeding and its duration are associated with lower risk of low IQ scores at the age of 5.

The relationship that develops with the child during breastfeeding promotes attachment and trust, which are the building blocks for further social, cognitive, motor and physical development.

Continued breastfeeding beyond six months of age with healthy complimentary foods will help to continue further development. The positive implication of breastfeeding will help to promote adequate physical and intellectual development for the child and societal productivity and growth. This in turn, will impact our society for generations to come.

Choose breastfeeding to give your child the best start to life.

For resources related to Early Childhood Development and Breastfeeding go to

For more information or to contact an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant call the Health Unit at 519-352-7270 ext. 2903.