Aunt Nan says: “Breastfeeding means that only Mommy can have special time with Baby.”

Breastfeeding can be a very special time for a mother and her baby to bond by smiling, snuggling, and interacting with each other.  But fathers, grandparents, and other important people in a baby’s life can have special time with the baby without feeding him.  Any time can be special time if you smile, sing, talk, or play with the baby.  Here are some ideas:

  • Hold your baby skin-to-skin on your chest.  She likes the warmth and the sound of your heartbeat.
  • Play a game of peek-a-boo during or after changing his diaper.
  • Read a book to her.  Did you know that it is never too early to start reading to children?
  • Sing a song or recite a rhyme.  You might try something interactive like “This little piggy went to market.”
  • Talk and smile to her while giving her a bath.

And if loved ones want to be involved in feeding time, they can help by bringing Mom a snack or glass of water while she is breastfeeding the baby!

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