Blue W – Find Tap Water Anywhere

Refill water logo

Instead of buying bottled drinks, why not carry a reusable water bottle and refill it with free municipal tap water whenever you need to?

Have you heard about the Blue W campaign?

Blue W is a community-based program that promotes municipal tap water as a healthy, easily accessible alternative to purchasing bottled drinks.
Participating businesses are willing to let visitors refill a reusable water bottle with refreshing tap water.

The Blue W program has many benefits:

  • It helps to reduce plastic bottle waste
  • It supports the hard work of local municipal water suppliers
  • It makes water more accessible to the public
  • It raises awareness about water issues

When you are out and about in the community, just look for the Blue W sticker in participating shop and restaurant windows to refill your reusable water bottle.

For more information or to find participating businesses in your community, visit

You can also download an easy to use Blue W smart phone application!