Preparing for emergencies at the personal and family level can help to reduce negative impacts on you and your family in the event of an emergency. Sometimes it can be hard to spend money preparing for emergencies that have not happened, when there are so many other things we could be spending it on.
There are many things you can do to prepare for an emergency that will have little or no costs. Anything we do to be more prepared may reduce the risk of stress, health effects, and unexpected expenses if a disaster happens.
These are some ideas of things you can do to prepare for an emergency on a budget. Create an emergency plan for yourself or your family. There is an on line template that you can use to make a plan at, or you can create your own plan.
Your plan can include:
- Safe exits from home and neighbourhood
- Meeting places to reunite with family or room mates
- Designated person to pick up children should you be unavailable
- Contact persons close-by and out-of-town
- Location of your water valve, electrical panel, gas valve, floor drain, and emergency supplies
- Health and insurance information
- Places for your pet to stay
- Risks in your region
- Any other information that will benefit you or your family in an emergency
You can also teach your children how to respond to certain emergencies such as fires, earthquakes and extreme weather. Assemble an emergency preparedness kit by collecting useful items around the house and store them in one consistent location. For a list of items that might be useful in an emergency preparedness kit visit this website. Consider purchasing useful items for your kit a little at a time, and look for sales or used items. Also, review your plan at least yearly, and make updates as needed. Make sure you review your plan with your family regularly and make sure they are familiar with its content.
Preparing for emergencies does not have to break the bank. It can be a done over time, and every step can help protect you and your family. So why not get started today. For more information about preparing for emergencies you can visit at