Let’s Talk About It… Healthy Sexuality for the Older School Age Child (Age 7-9)
Slow and steady physical growth continues at this age. Children in this age range are in the final stages of establishing their gender identities. Body exploration is common and normal, and they may become modest about their own bodies and seek more privacy.
They are aware of reproduction and the differences between the sexes and may ask questions about pregnancy, birth, and babies, and what the father’s role is in reproduction.
It is important that children in this age range know the correct names for their genital parts, after all, an arm is an arm, and a vagina is a vagina. That’s just the name of the body part. It is also important that we, as adults, are honest about sexual intercourse and reproduction (changes in the body during puberty, sperm from a male joining an egg from a female, how a baby grows in the uterus and is born through the vagina, basic information about nocturnal erections and emissions, menstruation, respecting our bodies, etc.).
A great deal of information begins to come from their peers and it is important to be approachable so that your child knows they can come to you for reliable and trusted information. This can be difficult and awkward for both parent and child, but educating children helps them to make informed decisions in the future.