What is mould?
- Moulds are fungi, a group of organisms that also includes mushrooms and yeast.
- They are present everywhere in the natural environment.
How does mould grow?
- Mould requires water or moisture and other nutrients to grow.
- Mould grows when materials remain wet or damp.
How can mould affect you?
- Moulds may cause negative health effects; however, individuals can have their own specific sensitivity to mould.
- Moulds do not harm the majority of the population.
- Moulds can damage and stain wood, drywall, carpet, furniture or other materials in your home.
How can you prevent mould in your home?
Keep your home dry by:
- Repairing any water leaks in basements, roofs or plumbing.
- Add exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Let air circulate by opening windows.
- Use a dehumidifier.
- Immediately clean and dry any areas damaged by water.
- Regularly wipe condensation from windows in the winter.
What should you do if you have mould?
- Clean small areas of mould with detergent and water.
- Notify your landlord to correct water leakage problems.
- Contact a professional to clean large areas of mould.