Emergency Preparedness & Persons with Special Needs

Picture of woman in wheelchair with service dog


In the event of an emergency, everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for at least 72 hours.  Having an emergency kit and an emergency plan are the best ways to prepare yourself for an emergency.  If you or a family member have a disability or special need, you also need to consider what “must haves” are needed and make those preparations.

Things to consider…72HrKit

During an emergency:

  • you may have no power
  • you may have to go to an evacuation centre
  • you may not be able to use an elevator
  • you may not be able to use accessible transportation or communication

 When preparing for an emergency:

  •  create a personal support network who will be able to assist you during an emergency
  • if you have a service animal, have an emergency kit for your animal as well
  • label special needs equipment and include instructions on use
  • if you have an allergy, chronic medical condition, or special medical need, consider wearing a MedicAlert® bracelet
  • if you rely on any life sustaining equipment or require regular attendant care, ask your network to check on you immediately if an emergency occurs, and have a back-up plan for power outages

For more information for people with mobility, vision, hearing and non-visible disabilities, seniors with special needs, high-rise safety, and travel considerations, please visit
Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities/Special Needs.