Sweet (but not too sweet!) Dreams

It is a beautiful sunny day; you’re walking down the street when you suddenly catch a glimpse of your reflection in a shop window.  You are horrified to discover that all of your teeth are falling out!  That’s when you awake in a cold sweat, relieved that it was all just a bad dream.

Teeth are one of the most common symbols that appear in our dreams.  Most dream interpreters agree that dreams about teeth tend to happen when lots of things in your life are changing, or when you are under a lot of stress and anxiety.  Here are some common tooth dreams, and some idea of what they could mean.  Remember: dreams can have a lot meaning or none at all; this list is just for fun!

Teeth falling out:  This is the most popular type of tooth dream that people tend to have.  Losing your teeth in a dream may mean that you are dealing with a loss (a person, job, home), are scared of losing your youth, feel like you have no control over a certain situation or are afraid of not reaching a goal.  This type of dream can be very upsetting, as it can feel so real. 

Teeth breaking off: A broken or chipped tooth can mean that there is an area of your life that needs more attention.  Some dream interpreters suggest paying attention to where you were in your dream when your teeth broke to get clues about what those areas might be.

Having false teeth: This is what you might expect; feeling guilty over a broken promise, spilling a secret or telling a lie. 

Join us all summer long for more fun facts and activities all about your pearly whites!

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