What can a living wage buy?

A living wage helps working families make enough money to cover reasonable costs.  It encourages social inclusion and supports healthy child development.  A living wage also helps make sure families are not under severe financial stress.

Expenses included in a living wage are based on local costs with input from the community.  These expenses usually include food, clothing and footwear, shelter and utilities (including telephone and content insurance), transportation, child care, health insurance, adult education, and other expenses such as recreation activities, household items, personal care items, internet and television.  It also includes the ability for the family to put money away in an emergency fund.

Expenses not included in a living wage are also decided upon by the community.  Examples of expenses not usually included are debt repayment, home ownership, savings for children’s education, and savings for retirement.

Stay tuned to learn how living wage is different from minimum wage!

Family drawing money house clothes