What’s in your medicine cabinet?

DON’T Flush It!         DON’T Trash It!         DON’T Share It!

It’s time to clean out your medicine cabinet and return unused medicine to your local pharmacy for safe, FREE disposal!

Why should I bother?

  • 18% of Ontario youth reported non-medical use of a prescription opioid pain reliever. 75% of these youth get the medication from home.
  • Certain medications can increase your risk of falling. Know your medications and the possible side effects. Talk with your pharmacist or health care provider.
  • Medicines in wastewater can’t be removed by treatment plants and directly enter our environment.


Look for a representative at your local pharmacy between November 7th and 18th  to learn about the importance of proper medicine disposal. Feel free to pass the Medicine Cleanout flyer along to family and friends.